Root Canals

Root Canals in Westminster, CO

You woke up in the middle of the night with an aching in your tooth. You know that something isn’t right so you head to our practice the very next day. Our dentist examines your mouth and then runs some imaging tests to discover that there is an infection inside the tooth. You’ve been told that the dental pulp is infected and needs to come out. To do this, Dr. Alexander Smith and the team at The Family Dentist will need to perform a root canal.

What is a Root Canal?

Root Canal Westminster

A root canal is an endodontic procedure that involves going inside the tooth to remove a damaged or infected dental pulp, which is made up of nerves and blood vessels. To prevent bacteria from spreading into the roots of the tooth and surrounding bones and neighboring teeth, our dentist Dr. Smith will perform this simple procedure to remove the pulp, disinfect the inside of the tooth and prevent the problem from getting worse. In many cases, a root canal saves the tooth, as it prevents the need for a tooth extraction.

Why is a Root Canal Performed?

Once the dental pulp becomes inflamed or infected the only way to stop the spread of bacteria is to perform a root canal. Our dental team may recommend a root canal if,

  • You have deep, severe, and widespread decay
  • You have a cracked or chipped tooth
  • You’ve sustained a traumatic injury to the tooth
  • You have a tooth that has undergone multiple dental procedures (this can weaken the tooth and leave it susceptible to cracking and fracturing)

Is There an Alternative to a Root Canal?

A root canal is not an elective procedure. If our dental team has advised you to get one, it’s because we need to remove diseased tissue from inside the tooth to prevent the problem from getting worse. If you decide to ignore the problem or you don’t treat the issue right away, this can cause widespread damage to the tooth leaving it irreparable and needing an extraction. A root canal preserves the natural tooth structure and prevents the need for additional dental work such as extraction and placement of a false tooth.

We know that no one likes the idea of undergoing any kind of dental procedure including a root canal, but rest assured that Dr. Smith and the team at The Family Dentist are dedicated to providing a gentle and comfortable experience for you. If you’re dealing with a toothache, it’s important to act fast.

For More Information On Root Canals, Call The Family Dentist In Westminster, CO At (303) 427-8690 Today!